Saturday, September 27, 2008

Cheap Basic Health Insurance Cover Is Much Better Than Not Having Any Cover At All

If money is tight in your household then you might well have decided to hold back on medical insurance and you are certainly not alone as a lot of people do not have any type of health insurance. To their way of thinking, they cannot really make the case for paying the extra money that would be needed.

Is this really a sensible idea nowadays? In the vast majority of situations it could be a dreadful mistake. With the way that health costs are climbing each year even the most basic procedures can cost you thousands.

For example, let's say that you have been putting off purchasing health insurance. You really do not feel that you can afford anything extra from your account each month and so you simply put it off.

Then one day you're driving home from a long day at work when another driver pulls right out in front of you and you forced to swerve to avoid them. As a result you drive off of the road and run into a tree. At this point, the driver in the other car keeps on driving because they are frightened. Finally, you suffer a number of injuries and need to be taken to the hospital.

You are not really in a position to pick and choose whether or not you want to have life saving treatment after an accident. The emergency room staff will just do what needs to be done and you will be presented with the bill later. Of course, spending any length of time in an emergency room is not contributing to saving you money. The hospital then bills you about $50,000 for treatment you received.

This means that, instead of paying a couple of hundred dollars each month for health insurance, you are saddled with a bill that you will possibly never be able to afford. When you owe money to a hospital, they are going to send bill collectors and will in time sue you. You might have to file bankruptcy and your credit history is going to be ruined forever. Indeed, your entire life could be altered negatively in this case.

Some affordable health insurance is better than no health insurance coverage at all. Incidents like this happen each and every day and, if you possess some type of medical insurance coverage, your insurer is going to save your bacon. Rather than being stuck with an insurmountable bill you will have someone who is going to take care of it.

You will almost certainly be required to pay something towards the cost but it will be much more manageable when you are getting assistance from the insurer. If you have been putting off buying some kind of health insurance then do not do it any longer. Do not try to convince yourself that it is not worth buying cover unless you can purchase an expensive full-featured package.

Start out small with merely the basic features needed in case of emergency and, as you start to get more comfortable with your expenditure, gradually upgrade your plan to get the features that you want to have. It will not seem like such a large bite out of your monthly paycheck if you do it slowly.

At the end of the day health insurance is not something that you can afford to be without so do not be afraid to speak to someone about your options. There is only one way to know what you can afford and that is to ask. For most of us meeting the cost of medical treatment without health insurance is simply not a viable option.

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